Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> You're cherry picking your quotes:
> """
> In order for Roundup to be considered equivalent in terms of an overall
> tracker package there needs to be a sufficient number of volunteer admins
> (roughly 6 - 10 people) who can help set up and maintain the Roundup
> installation.
> """
> This is *NOT* a perfectly reasonable offer,

Yes it is:
Jira = 1st place functionality + hosting/admin provided
RoundUp = 1st place functionality

Jira wins. But the offer is to allow the community to make up the
difference. If anything, that's unfair to Jira. So why are you

> because you do not see 6-10 people
> stepping up at the same time for almost *anything* in the open source world.

Then that's a failure of the open source world.

But I *do* see it happening right now. People *are* stepping up.

David Goodger


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