>     Martin> The regular admin tasks likely include stuff like this:
>     Martin> - the system is unavailable, bring it back to work
>     Martin>   This is really the worst case, and a short response time
>     Martin>   is the major factor in how users perceive the service
>     Martin> - the system is responding very slowly
> To all those people who have been moaning about needing 6-10 people to
> administer the system, in my opinion these are the most important
> reasons to have more than one person available to help.  Python isn't
> only used in the USofA.  It has been very helpful to have
> administrators scattered around the globe who were awake and alert to
> handle problems with python.org when folks in the US were asleep.  Of
> course, spreading the load among several people helps with the other
> tasks as well.
> As Martin pointed out in an earlier post, with only one person
> actively administering Subversion (Martin), new requests for access
> had to wait if he was away for an extended period of time.

This is true of many open source projects. I don't dispute that having 6-10
people to administer Roundup would not be good. I dispute that it is the
minimum requirement to make a Roundup installation acceptable for Python

Are bug-tracker configuration issues so critical that having to wait 48-72hrs
to have them fixed is absolutely unacceptable for Python development? It looks
like an overexaggeration. People easily cope with 2-3 days of SVN freezing,
when they are politically (rather than technically) stopped from committing to
SVN. I guess they can wait 48 hrs to be able to close that bug, or open that
other one, or run that query.
Giovanni Bajo


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