Steve Holden wrote:
> Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> [...]
>> I understand your concerns, but I have to remember you that most bug 
>> reports
>> submitted by users go totally ignored for several years, or, better, 
>> forever. I
>> do not have a correct statistic for this, but I'm confident that at 
>> least 80%
>> of the RFE or patches filed every week is totally ignored, and 
>> probably at
>> least 50% of the bugs too. I think there is a much bigger problem here 
>> wrt QOS.
>> So, you might prefer 6-10 people to activate a new tracker account 
>> faster than
>> light. I'd rather have 3-days delay in administrative issues because 
>> our single
>> administrator is sleeping or whatever, and then have 2-3 people doing 
>> regular
>> bug processing.
> ... and if wishes were horses then beggars would ride.

FWIW, this situation (few administrators compared to the number of 
community members involved in triage) is basically the situation for the 
Mozilla project's bug database (which is a bugzilla install, of course), 
This was the case even before the corporation was founded so it's not a 
funding issue. My impression has always been that people who kept the 
bug database clean (moving things to the right component, hunting out 
duplicates, verifying fixes, and so on) are seen as vital and accorded 
appropriate respect by the Mozilla development community.

I don't think I have any specific point to make except, perhaps, that by 
making the right noises, it is quite possible to get a useful number of 
people helping with bug processing work.

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