"Giovanni Bajo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > tracker. I was claiming that, if such a group was ever formed, it was > better > spent on bug triage rather than keeping their keys ready all day long to > quick-fix any server breakage in minutes.
This could be made into an argument for accepting the Jira offer so we don't 'waste' *any* more Python-knowledgable volunteer time on admin. However, thinking about it more, I think that wrestling with a software system like Roundup and interacting with sometimes naive and non-responsive bug submitters are two different skills and likely to attract different volunteers. [snip] > Either close directly any nonsense, or ask for more feedback to the > poster, > until the bug/patch/rfe is sufficiently clear to be handled, or 3 months > are > passed and you close the bug for "no further feedback from the poster". > If this > would dramatically reduce the number of open bugs, then yes, Python > really > needs someone to do bug triaging. I have thought this for some time based on my occasional efforts at 'first-response' reviewing. But I have not tried to do anything because of the difficulty of working with the SF tracker. Perhaps submissions by new submitters should start in 'limbo' until rejected or accepted into active open status. I hope that whichever new tracker we get will allow for automated followups at determined intervals, such as 3 mos or whatever. > It might be not a good use of your time at all, since you are a > developer. But > having a database with 938 open bugs most of which are > incomplete/nonsense/unconfirmed is much less useful than it could be. Perhaps when the new tracker is set up, you can help scratch the 'too many open bugs' itch. > It also > raises the bar for new developers: it's much harder to just "pick one" > and fix > it. I know because I tried sometimes, and after half an hour I couldn't > find > any bug that was interesting to me and "complete" enough to work on it. I > also > noticed that most bugs are totally uncommented like nobody cared at all. > This > is where my thought about Python missing bug triaging started. s/most/some/ When I read a bug with no comment I sometimes put extra energy into thinking of something to say or ask just so the reporter will know the report has been read. Terry Jan Reedy -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list