On Saturday 04 November 2006 11:03, Dustan wrote:
> Back in this post, I attempted to make a label
> look like a button:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python
> Alright, I've learned my lesson - don't use a
> new widget; modify the old one.
> Except the Entry widget doesn't have a
> disabledforeground option. Neither does the
> Text widget, but IDLE seems to accomplish
> making a disabled Text look the same as an
> enabled Text in the IDLE Help section.
> No, foreground (fg) and background (bg) don't
> make a difference; it still changes the color
> of the Entry widget upon disabling.
> There must be something I'm missing here...

Have you tried the state option ?

state = 'disabled'

It works for Text, Entry, and Button.  

Once disabled you won't be able to make changes 
until state= 'normal'



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