king kikapu wrote:
> Hi to all,
> i am not sure if this question really belongs here but anyway, here it
> goes: I have seen a lot of IDEs for Python, a lot of good stuff but
> actually none of them has what, for example, Visual Studio has: a
> Visual Editor (with the  ability to place controls on forms etc etc),
> or RAD
> I know that there is Glade but does anybody knows of some product, or
> an ongoing effort to this direction so i can have a look at ?
> Coming from Windows and world, i think the only missing point
> here is the integration of the Pyrthon with a RAD IDE...
> Thanks a lot and i apologize if this isn't the correct place for this
> question...

If you use wxWidgets, you may want to have a look at projects like
Boa-constructor or PythonCard. If you use QT/KDE, Eric3 offers good
integration with QT Designer IIRC.

Now as you can see, the problem with RAD tools is that they are specific
to a given GUI toolkit. Python runs on a lot of platforms, and some of
these platforms (ie Linux) are not tied to a specific GUI toolkit. So
integrating the RAD tool in the IDE means you can't use this IDE with
other GUI toolkits.

Also, there's a tradition in the *n*x world about preferring small,
highly specialized tools over huge monolithic do-it-all applications. As
an example, I daily use half a dozen languages, and I wouldn't like to
have to learn half a dozen IDEs. I'm much more productive with a good
code editor, the command line, and a few external tools when needed.

My 2 cents...
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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