On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 00:27:24 -0500, Jerry Hill wrote:

> On 11/25/06, Jerry Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 23 Nov 2006 15:09:11 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Yes, it's true that you can't resell copies of The Python Papers for
>> > personal profits, but you may derive from it, reproduce and propagate
>> > it. You're quite right to point it out.
>> My problem with this is that I can't use anything in your publication
>> when working on commercial software.  If I were to derive code from
>> something in the Python Papers, my understanding is that I would be
>> obligated to release it under a Creative Commons license.  In fact,
>> even if all I do is read an article and then incorporate concepts from
>> it in my code, my understanding is that I may be creating a derivative
>> work.

And how do you think this is different from any other publication? That
Python Papers is under a CC licence is a red-herring. 

>> Since the code that I write for work belongs to my employer, and may
>> someday be sold, I need to be careful about the licensing issues. They
>> might not be very happy with me if I wrote software for them that
>> ended up being encumbered with a license they didn't like.

Again, how is this different from any other publication? Unless you only
read public domain publications, anything you read is copyrighted, and
your arguments apply just as much -- perhaps more so -- depending on the
licence of that publication.



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