Robert R. schrieb:
> Hello,
> i would like to write a piece of code to help me to align some sequence
> of words and suggest me the ordered common subwords of them
> s0 = "this is an example of a thing i would like to have".split()
> s1 = "another example of something else i would like to have".split()
> s2 = 'and this is another " example " but of something ; now i would
> still like to have'.split()
> ...
> alist = (s0, s1, s2)
> result should be : ('example', 'of', 'i', 'would', 'like', 'to', 'have'
> but i do not know how should i start, may be have you a helpful
> suggestion?
> a trouble i have if when having many different strings my results tend
> to be nothing while i still would like to have one of the, or maybe,
> all the best matches.
> best.

As far as I can see, you want to have the words, that all three lists
have in common, right?

s0 = "this is an example of a thing i would like to have".split()
s1 = "another example of something else i would like to have".split()
s2 = 'and this is another " example " but of something ; now i would
still like to have'.split()

def findCommons(s0, s1, s2):
        res = []
        for word in s0:
                if word in s1 and word in s2:
        return res

 >>>print findCommons(s0,s1,s2)
 ['example', 'of', 'i', 'would', 'like', 'to', 'have']

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