Robert R. wrote:
> Hello,
> i would like to write a piece of code to help me to align some sequence
> of words and suggest me the ordered common subwords of them
> a trouble i have if when having many different strings my results tend
> to be nothing while i still would like to have one of the, or maybe,
> all the best matches.

Anyway, for finding the commonest words, you'll be best off 
counting how many times each word appears:

lst = ["foo bar baz", "qux foo foo kaka", "one foo and kaka 
times qux"]

for line in lst:
  for word in line.split():
   count[word] = count.get(word,0) + 1

Now you go for the ones with the highest count:

for (word, n) in sorted(d.items(), key = lambda x: x[1],
reverse = True):
  print word, 'appears', n, 'times'

Untested. If you want to count the number of lines a word 
appears in (as opposed to the number of times it appears at 
all), add an extra condition before count[word] = ...

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