Amir  Michail wrote:
> > ...
> >
> > Is there anything _useful_ that it'll bring that a good editor doesn't?
> >  e.g. in vim I do get
> > * automatic syntax checking (if I type "if a=1:" and hit enter, it'll
> > immediately highlight the syntax error)
> > * omni-completion (because Intellisense is trademarked)
> > * refactoring (with BicycleRepairMan integration)
> > * folding (which is more important than the above 3 combined, IMO)
> > * online help (typing cmp( gives me the docstring for cmp in the status
> > line, F1 to view the whole thing)
> >
> > As well as all the basics (tags/class browser/good regex support/syntax
> > highlighting/autoindent/source control integration/etc).
> >
> > I'm not trolling here, I'm looking for interesting new features I can
> > steal.
> How about we try to find some papers on the subject?

Thanks.  Seems a bit high-level to be very useful, and the plethora of
examples around "self encapsulate field" seem inapplicable, but it
makes me wonder if there's anything to be gained by integrating the vim
refactoring support with the Vim 7 undo branches.


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