may be emacs can provide code completion (intellicense)
I have not used it so far so can't say.
but the main reason I use eclipse is for the above feature.
and yes indentation happens in eclipse python-mode so that is not a
major feature eclipse offers any way.
syntax highlighting is a very common feature again.
so if there is an editor which will give me auto code completion, I
will happily give up using eclipse.
by the way, there is one problem I am finding with eclipse and py dev.
the following snippad of code is a mesterious problem.
name = raw_input("please identify your self ")
if name == "tom":
   print "hello and welcome"
   print "I don't know you"

just run this script and you will find that you always get "I don't
know you", even if you entered tom.
I then figured out that length of name actually comes to 4 even when I
entered tom.  that's why it always goes in the else claws.
but when I ran the same script from a command promt the length of name
returned 3 when tom was entered and the code worked fine.
I can't understand why is this happening?  why is eclipse putting an
extra character in the name variable?


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