Chuck Rhode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> That went well.  PythonTidy has been looked at at least 10**2
> times, and I have received a couple of complaints, which I hope
> I have addressed satisfactorily -- plenty good enough for a beta
> test.  The basic concept stands.
> cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of
> Python scripts:
> What next?  Is it appropriately submitted to the Cheese Shop?

I ran PythonTidy on a wxPython sample, and found that wx.CONSTANTS 
were being translated to wx.Constants, which won't do at all.

In general, there is very little case manipulation that should be 
done in a case-sensitive language; I suppose this is controllable 
by one or more of the options, but it wasn't clear on casual 
observation what would do the trick. 

The idea of PythonTidy is not bad, but there should be a minimal 
option that essentially reindents and nothing more. Adding other 
style preferences should (in my opinion) be something like 
checklist items. For example, I don't necessarily need a shebang 
or coding line for my purposes, but without going into the code 
and commenting out lines, I can't readily suppress them. As it 
stands now, I can't trust PythonTidy to do the right thing on 
unfamiliar code, and I can't readily try out various options by 
simply activating or deactivating them; if I could, it would be 
much more useful to me.


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