On 2006-12-09, Bill Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm afraid you're on the wrong track.  Any programmer can pick
> up Lisp and be productive in it these days.  Please don't try
> to make Lisp seem more mysterious or elitist than it really is.
> It's just a programming language, and anyone can learn it:
>   http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book

I got stuck (last year) in that book:


The author didn't do Common Lisp (or me) any favors by drawing my
attention to the pathname library. I suppose I missed whatever
the point was supposed to be in the midst of the mind-boggling. I
meant to get back to it but haven't yet.

Neil Cerutti
We will sell gasoline to anyone in a glass container. --sign at Santa Fe gas

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