On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 23:35:22 +0200, "Roman Yakovenko"

>On 12/30/06, Osiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Visual C++ build log at:
>It is better to ask Boost.Python related questions on it mailing list:
>You should add to the link line boost_python.lib, thus you will eliminate
>"unresolved reference symbol" errors. If you did not build Boost.Python
>next page( http://boost.org/libs/python/doc/building.html ) contains pretty
>good explanation how to do this.

That explanation I find confusing:
"To build boost_python, use Boost.Build...": Where is boost.build and
what is it ?
in my D:\boost\libs\python\build there is no boost.build...

in D:\boost there is a build-boost.jam file.... Is that it ?

I have a D:\boost\libs\python\build\bin-stage\boost_python.dll (204kB
size) and a D:\boost\libs\python\build\bin-stage\boost_build.lib (163
I made them with Visual Studio...

I made a bjam, it is in C:\

In D:\boost\libs\python\build there are a bin_stage and  a
VisualStudio folder , the files

Is it so, that I can build the boost_python.dll and lib, either with
bjam OR with VisualStudio C++ ?

Why are all those other folders there in d:\boost ? people,
regression, tools, status etc ?

What do I do with d:\boost\boost ? a lot of headers there...

what are all these folders in d:\boost\libs\ ?

In short: it's all rather confusing....

I think it must be like this:

To use my C/C++ code with Python, add some stuff in the C/C++ source
and compile it into a DLL, that must be combined with some boost-DLL
to make it accessible to Python 2.4.
Therefore I need a boost DLL from boost.org, and some headerfiles that
belong to the boost DLL.
(where are those boost header files )

As you see, a lot of obfuscation....
MAybe I see too many bears on the road...

>http://boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/scope.html - here you will find example how
>to expose my_int variable to Python. my_int has type int, so C++ code will not
>see changes to the variable that are done from Python. You will have to write
>set_my_int( x ) function to achieve this.
>If you are new to Boost.Python try to use Py++ - the code generator for
>the library. The Py++ GUI( http://tinyurl.com/ycwvwo ) will help you
>to start\learn Boost.Python.

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