On 12/31/06, Osiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In short: it's all rather confusing....
> I think it must be like this:
> To use my C/C++ code with Python, add some stuff in the C/C++ source
> and compile it into a DLL, that must be combined with some boost-DLL
> to make it accessible to Python 2.4.
> Therefore I need a boost DLL from boost.org, and some headerfiles that
> belong to the boost DLL.
> (where are those boost header files )
> As you see, a lot of obfuscation....
> MAybe I see too many bears on the road...

Boost project is an open source, consider to contribute your
experience, knowledge
and time to make it better.

You can download pre-built binaries for Windows platform from here:

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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