Hi Guys,

I'm back one more basic question, this time on using CSV (Comma
Seperated Value) library with Python 2.2. At my workplace I have Python
2.2 installed and am using PythonWin 2.2.1 IDE from Mark Hammond.

I want to use the CSV library module for reading data from the .csv
files and when I try to import the module, I get the error "CSV module
is not found". The reason, CSV module is missing from the Python root
directories. Now my first question is,

1. Does Python 2.2 come with CSV library module or not? If yes, have I
lost it somewhere??

2. If Python 2.2 does not come with CSV module, is it possible to add
the CSV module to the Python root and start working??

3. If yes, where do I get this module from??

Would be glad to have an answer for these questions. Thanks in advance.



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