mohan wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm back one more basic question, this time on using CSV (Comma
> Seperated Value) library with Python 2.2. At my workplace I have Python
> 2.2 installed and am using PythonWin 2.2.1 IDE from Mark Hammond.
> I want to use the CSV library module for reading data from the .csv
> files and when I try to import the module, I get the error "CSV module
> is not found". The reason, CSV module is missing from the Python root
> directories. Now my first question is,
> 1. Does Python 2.2 come with CSV library module or not? If yes, have I
> lost it somewhere??
> 2. If Python 2.2 does not come with CSV module, is it possible to add
> the CSV module to the Python root and start working??
> 3. If yes, where do I get this module from??
> Would be glad to have an answer for these questions. Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Mohan.
Object Craft wrote the csv library that predated the one released in
Python 2.3.  You can still get it for earlier Python versions here:


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