At Wednesday 17/1/2007 16:05, Rikishi 42 wrote:

>>What I want to do is to compile/bundle/prepare/whatever_term a simple
>>Python script for deployment on a Windows machine. Installing Python
>>itself on that machine, is not an option. Ideally I would like to obtain
>>a single executable file, but a script+runtime is acceptable.
> distutils + py2exe

Tried that, just after asking here.
A bit messy (poor docs) and a very bloated result.

Consider that, at a bare minimum, you need to include python25.dll wich is rather large, and transitive module imports can lead to a large too. Different "bundlers" may be more or less convenient, have more or less documentation, easier or harder to use, but they all make comparable file sizes; no one is so dumb to include all the scripts reachable along the PYTHONPATH, and on the other hand, if it included too few files your script might fail when it can't import a needed module. See for a related issue. If you're going to try different alternatives, posting your findings at the end would be a good thing.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL


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