Daniel Jonsson wrote:
> So, I've reached the point where my building pipeline tools actually
> needs to be used by other people in my company. By this reason I
> actually need to think about the usability, and I've come to the
> conclusion that I need a GUI. So, which of the two packages should I
> learn, and which one is easier to pick up?
> Thanks in advance!

Wow...are you *trying* to start a flamewar? :)

Anyway, here are a few points to think about.  This is by no means
exhaustive, and I'm sure others will add to (and/or correct) what I say. 
I'm most familiar with Qt, so my comments will be directed that way.

Qt4 *is* GPL, but you can only use it for free if the software you're
writing is GPL.  So, if there is no issue with you making your source code
public, there is no problem using Qt.  wxWindows is essentially LGPL, so
might be easier to use, depending on how closely you need to hold your
source code.

wxWindows uses Gtk widgets on *nix.  In *my opinion* the Qt widgets look
better, but that's just me.

From what I've seen of the PyQt4 API, it's very clean and easy to use.

You can design your forms using the standard QtDesigner and compile them to
Python by using py-uic.  You can also load .ui files at run time if you
want.  I have no idea of the form design facilities in wxWindows, others
can add their input there.

It's very easy to create forms with QtDesigner.  And also easy to make sure
they still nicely laid out and proportionate by using layouts and spacers.

Anyway, those are the thoughts off the top of my head, I'll chime in again
if I think of more.


Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0xDB26D7CE

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