Daniel wrote:

> I've downloaded both the wxPython and the PyQt4 package, and by the
> first impression I must say that the PyQt4 system had a very
> compelling presentation. From what I can understand from the feedback
> I've gotten so far is that the wxPython is a better choice when it
> comes to compability (with linux), and it's free even if I want to
> create applications and sell them.
> So, from what I understand I will have to go with PyQt4 since (from
> my understanding):
> 1. I will not sell the applications I'm working with since they will
> only be used by the internal QA at a computer game company.

Even that is getting on shaky ground, at least according to Troll Tech. 
See: http://www.trolltech.com/developer/knowledgebase/190/  So, write it
for internal use, and put up for distribution on your personal web site
(pending company approval, of course).


Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0xDB26D7CE

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