As always, IMHO...

P-code begat JVM, which begat .NET/Mono-CLI, wherein lives C#.   Thus it
is a deliberately isolated world, much given to reinventing wheels (or
rather recoding them) instead of binding to existing libraries.  So C#
might be a useful tool for anyone forced to live inside that world, but
more or less irrelevant for those who have to interact with the real

At work my tasks include hooking together lots of COTS tools, on lots of
platforms.  C# doesn't even play the game.

At home my hobbies include lots of different subjects, randomly passing
from one to another, using strictly Open Source Software, and enjoying
the process.  .NET/Mono and C# don't pass either the "lots" or the
"enjoy" tests.   

> -----Original Message-----
> From: egbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:05 AM
> To: George, Harry G
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Python does not play well with others
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 06:24:37AM +0000, Harry George wrote:
> > 
> > Perl - excellent modules and bindings for just about everything ...
> > Java - a world of its own.  They reinvent the wheel instead of ...
> > PHP - are we talking web scripts or serious programs?  Are you ...
> > C - the portable assembler.  Solid, trusted, tunable ...
> > C++ - objects tacked onto C; but that didn't work so invent ...
> > Python - it just works.  Same scripts run on every platform ... 
> What about C# ?
> e
> --
> Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 
> 020 6257991 
> ==============================================================
> ==========

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