Diez B. Roggisch a écrit :
> Gosi wrote:
>>On Feb 5, 2:59 pm, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Gosi wrote:
>>>>It is quite easy to call J from Python
>>>What is J, and why should we care?
>>J is in many ways similar to Python.
>>J has very many advanced operations.
> What exactly do you call "similar to python" when the following is a program
> written in it? Compared to that, even Perl is a wonder of readability...
> m    =: >@(0&{)
> v    =: >@(1&{)
> h    =: >@(2&{)
> qu   =: >@(3&{)
> z    =: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> ret  =: |[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> init =: z;z;z;i.
> f5m  =: (z;(v,{:@m);h;qu,[EMAIL PROTECTED]) @ (f1m^:5)
> f1h  =: (z;z;(h,{:@v);(qu,[EMAIL PROTECTED])) @ (f5m^:12)
> f12h =: (z;z;z;qu,[EMAIL PROTECTED],{:@h) @ (f1h^:12)
> perm =: qu @ f12h @ init
> ord  =: *./ @ (#&>"_) @ C.
> days =: -: @ ord @ perm

Yuck. I'd rather program in b**k.


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