En Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:56:48 -0300, Fuzzyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> [somebody] wrote:
>> >>> > def getCodeName(deap=0):
>> >>> >     return sys._getframe(deap+1).f_code.co_name
>> >>> > class MyClass (object):
>> >>> >     name = getCodeName() + '!'
>> >>> What's the advantage over MyClass.__name__?
>> > I were asking, why do you want a "name" attribute since "__name__"
>> > already  exists and has the needed information. And worst, using an
>> > internal  implementation function to do such task.
>> This might be useful to avoid metaclass hacks when trying to initialize
>> a class attribute that would require the class name. (my 2 cents)
> It's still an ugly hack. :-)
> (But a nice implementation detail to know about none-the-less.)

Having class decorators would be nice...

Gabriel Genellina


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