Jeff> My post was entitled "Python 3.0 unfit for serious work", you just
    Jeff> indicated that the Linux distros will agree with me, in order to
    Jeff> be taken seriously, the distros will have to include 2.x python
    Jeff> for a very long time.  If 3.0 and 2.x have any serious degree of
    Jeff> incompatibility, python will be a favorite subject for religious
    Jeff> rants and heated arguments for many people.  

The notion that Python 3.0 was going to fix design/implementation issues in
earlier versions of Python and thus cause some breakage has been known for a
long time, at least since Guido's UK Python talk in March 2003.  Python 2.x
released will continue to be created for some time after Python 3.0 is
released.  From PEP-3000:

    I expect that there will be parallel Python 2.x and 3.x releases for
    some time; the Python 2.x releases will continue for a longer time than
    the traditional 2.x.y bugfix releases. Typically, we stop releasing
    bugfix versions for 2.x once version 2.(x+1) has been released. But I
    expect there to be at least one or two new 2.x releases even after 3.0
    (final) has been released, probably well into 3.1 or 3.2. This will to
    some extend depend on community demand for continued 2.x support,
    acceptance and stability of 3.0, and volunteer stamina.

The whole intention is to give authors a long period of time to port to
Python 3.x.  I believe your fear is just a knee jerk reaction to the notion
that there will be some stated incompatibilities between 2.x and 3.x without
having done any investigation of the transition process.  Nobody is forcing
you to do anything right now or completely abandon your code base.  Python
2.x still has a long shelf life.  Hell, 3.0a1 isn't even out yet.  If you
hang on for a few days I'm sure Guido's keynote about Python 3 from the
PyCon just wrapping up in Dallas will be available online.  There might be
something in there of interest to you.  If you poke around a bit you will
probably find nearly live blogs from the conference as well.


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