This kind of comment comes up often, so I think it's worth spelling out a response that will persist on the web and can appear in our FAQ.
I have a different and admittedly limited view of hybrid systems as part of dynamical systems theory. In principle, I would love to have time to write an interface to something like Modelica, but PyDSTool isn't intended as an industrial-scale simulation package: it is intended for applied dynamical systems research involving small systems that people want to analyze with tools like bifurcation theory and parameter estimation. I also want to switch components in and out of a model with minimum overhead as part of model estimation and parameter estimation routines that remain an open research area. Partly for this reason I don't want to start depending on large external packages, most features of which people may never be needed. Given my present purposes the overhead of writing an interface is a demanding sink of my time when basic (essentially prototype) tools suffice in the short term. That is also why I am not planning a graphical UI at this time. (The related DsTool and XPP packages already have GUIs.) I appreciate the idea of outsourcing to take advantage of good work in areas such as yours. I hope to step up to that bar later on as part of an ongoing research project connected to me, which involves studying the mechanisms of locomotion in insects. There are other mechanical simulation packages that I would like to interface to (most are commercial), but on close inspection it turns out there's a lot of very technical issues involved -- although at least modelica is open source! Sorry to be taking a short-term view here (I try to avoid that), but we're just a couple of guys trying to concentrate on our day jobs... Rob --