Alessandro de Manzano wrote:

> Hello,
> I'ld ask you all about deployment of python applications.
> Sometimes (if not most times..) I would make deployment easy (easier)
> for my customers (and for me too...)
> What I mean, would be very useful to have a "jar-like" archive/single
> file / multiple platform in order to deploy also complex applications
> with many modules.
> I know about "py2exe", it's nice but it's Windows only, I would need
> something multiplatform or at least available also for other platforms
> (*nix, Mac maybe, ...)
> My impression is that Python is a great language but a bit "messy"
> about on field deployment...
> What am I missing ? :)
> What are your experiences (and solutions ?) for this issues ?

There are the greate setuptools available, that make creating and installing
a single .egg-file (which is very close to a jar) easy as cake - provided
you've got them working.

I'm not sure if there is some equivalent as 

java -jar <jar>

though. Could be worth thinking about.


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