> Interesting.  So on Windows there's probably no
> hope of what I want to do working.
> But on a platform where the C library does the
> right thing with signed zeros, this
> behaviour is still a little surprising.  I
> guess what's happening is that there's
> some optimization that avoids creating two
> separate float objects for a float literal
> that appears twice, and that optimization
> doesn't see the difference between 0. and -0.
> >>> x, y = 0., -0.
> >>> id(x) == id(y)
> True
> jim-on-linux's solution works in the
> interpreter, but not in a script, presumably
> because we've got file-wide optimization rather
> than line-by-line optimization.
> #test.py
> x = -0.0
> y = 0.0
> print x, y
> #end test.py
> >>> import test
> -0.0 -0.0
> Mark

This is the only way I could make this work in a 

from decimal import Decimal

x = Decimal( "-0.0")
y= Decimal("0.0")
print x,y

x = Decimal( "0.0")
y= Decimal("-0.0")
print x,y



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