On 2007-03-12, Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant Edwards a écrit :
> (snip)
>> Python is _far_ more robust than C++.
> I wouldn't say so - robustness is a quality of a program, not of a 
> language !-)

IMO, robustness is also a quality of a language.  In language
like C and C++, it's difficult to write a program that isn't
full of potential crashes and exploits: buffer overflows,
broken pointers, memory leaks, etc.  Python eliminates many of
those sources of problems, and is therefore a "more robust"

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Uh-oh!! I forgot
                                  at               to submit to COMPULSORY
                               visi.com            URINALYSIS!

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