On Mar 18, 7:25 am, "Dustan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 18, 7:06 am, Steven D'Aprano
> > First, an example of the code in action.
> > >>> import PrivateAttributes
> > >>> obj = PrivateAttributes.TestPrivateClassAttributes()
> > >>> obj.getNumInstances()
> > 1
> > >>> another = PrivateAttributes.TestPrivateClassAttributes()
> > >>> obj.getNumInstances()
> > 2
> > >>> athird = PrivateAttributes.TestPrivateClassAttributes()
> > >>> athird.getNumInstances()
> > 3
> > The getNumInstances method reports the number of instances of the
> > PrivateAttributes class. There's no obvious class attribute where this
> > count is being kept:
> > >>> obj.__class__.__dict__.keys()
> > ['__module__', 'getNumInstances', '__dict__', '__weakref__', '__doc__',
> > '__init__']
> > Here's how to hack it, and make it report wrong numbers.
> > >>> c = obj.getNumInstances.func_closure
> > >>> c[1].cell_contents.numInstances = -300
> > >>> athird.getNumInstances()
> > -300
> > >>> afourth = PrivateAttributes.TestPrivateClassAttributes()
> > >>> athird.getNumInstances()
> > -299
> > So yes, it is absolutely hackable.
> I did have a feeling that it was hackable, but had no idea how one
> could possibly go about hacking it (I was starting to wonder of there
> was a way to apply locals() and globals() on functions). But now I
> (ehem) sorta know how it's done.
> > Now, I'm hardly a Python guru, but in about fifteen minutes I followed the
> > trail through the object chain, and found how to hack this. An real guru
> > would probably do it in three minutes.
> > I was helped a bit by having the source code. But even without the source
> > code, I reckon I could have done it in an hour or so, if I was motivated
> > enough. All the tools you need are a Python interactive session, the dir()
> > function and the dis module.
> I have used all of those before, but I haven't been able to fully
> understand the output of the dis module; maybe that's my problem.

Alright, perhaps you can help me out with this learning curve here. I
have seen, but not worked with, some basic assembly code, so I think I
have a vague idea of what it all means, although I have a feeling it's
not all valid assembly (on any widely used machine).

First I dis.dis'd testPrivateStaticFunctionVariables:

>>> dis.dis(testPrivateStaticFunctionVariables)
 21           0 LOAD_DEREF               0 (func)
              3 LOAD_DEREF               1 (internalData)
              6 LOAD_FAST                0 (args)
              9 CALL_FUNCTION_VAR        1
             12 RETURN_VALUE

At first I was a little confused by this, because there's no increment
in sight, but then I realized it was dis.dis'ing the wrapper closure
in the internalDataDecorator closure in the PrivateDataEngine function
(and then I hit myself on the head and cried out "doh!"). So that
'code' is coming from this (taken out of closure):

def wrapper(*args):
    return func(internalData, *args)

So, based on what you showed me, I found my way after some failed
tries to this:

>>> dis.dis(testPrivateStaticFunctionVariables.func_closure[0].cell_contents)
 28           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (internalData)
              3 DUP_TOP
              4 LOAD_ATTR                0 (numCalls)
              7 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
             10 INPLACE_ADD
             11 ROT_TWO
             12 STORE_ATTR               0 (numCalls)

 29          15 LOAD_FAST                0 (internalData)
             18 LOAD_ATTR                0 (numCalls)
             21 RETURN_VALUE

That's coming from this:

@PrivateDataEngine(numCalls = 0)
def testPrivateStaticFunctionVariables(internalData):
    """returns the number of times this function has been called."""
    internalData.numCalls += 1
    return internalData.numCalls

Here's a few questions on this output, for which I would highly
appreciate some answers:

What's the difference between 'LOAD_DEREF', 'LOAD_FAST', and
'LOAD_CONST', and, as seen at http://docs.python.org/lib/module-dis.html,
'LOAD_GLOBAL'? I can imagine that 'LOAD_GLOBAL' loads a global, but
seeing as python is such a dynamic language, how exactly is it
supposed to distinguish between them?

I don't understand the following at all: 'DUP_TOP', 'ROT_TWO'. Any

What does 'INPLACE_ADD' mean, if not in place addition, and if it is
in place addition, why does it need to 'STORE_ATTR' afterward?

Thanks for any help!

> > --
> > Steven


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