James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
> > Did anyone write a contextmanager implementing a timeout for
> > python2.5?
> > 
> > I'd love to be able to write something like
> > 
> >     with timeout(5.0) as exceeded:
> >         some_long_running_stuff()
> >     if exceeded:
> >         print "Oops - took too long!"
> > 
> > And have it work reliably and in a cross platform way!
> > 
> > From my experiments with timeouts I suspect it won't be possible to
> > implement it perfectly in python 2.5 - maybe we could add some extra
> > core infrastructure to Python 3k to make it possible?
> > 
>  I'm guessing your question is far over my head, but if I understand it, 
>  I'll take a stab:
>  First, did you want the timeout to kill the long running stuff?


>  I'm not sure if its exactly what you are looking for, but I wrote a 
>  timer class that does something like you describe:
>  http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/464959
>  Probably you can do whatever you want upon timeout by passing the 
>  appropriate function as the "expire" argument.

I don't think your code implements quite what I meant!

Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

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