We know that the city officials are corrupt. Instead of applying the
city codes and pursuing violations, they let the cases fester and turn
into civil disputes when there are clear code violations. And when
they apply, that is at the instigation of evil neocons and their boss
george w bus and neil bush who had adulterous sex with asian women
while married to sharon. These Bibble waving evil criminals are
ultimately the real culprits for the social and civil society
breakdown. There are terrible neighbor to neighbor disputes in the
country stemming from simple ignored code violations such as uncleaned
trash and other irritants.

BLACKSBURG, VA (WIS/AP) - Virginia Tech's president says an Asian
university student killed 30 people in a campus building before
turning the gun on himself.

And though Charles Steger did not explicitly say the student was also
the gunman in the first shooting, he told CNN that he did not believe
there was another shooter.

Administrators at Virginia Tech are being subjected to some second-
guessing over how long it took to get out a campus-wide warning in
yesterday's shooting rampage.

The first killings occurred in a dorm. More than two hours later, the
gunmen opened fire in a classroom building, killing 30 more people and
ultimately himself.

The only alert was sent by e-mail, telling people there'd been a
shooting and urging caution.

Steger defended the delay in warning students about the gunman.

Steger says the university was trying to notify students who were
already on campus, not those who were commuting in. He says he thought
the best way to keep students safe was to confine them to their

Security officials at other big schools are sympathetic. And they're
also looking at ways to speed up communications in a crisis. UC
Berkeley is considering sirens or an outdoor PA system. The University
of Florida is already working with police on an auto-dialing phone
system for emergencies.

And Virginia Tech itself has been working on a system to warn people
via cell-phone text messaging.

One of the first victims shot at Virginia Tech was just a month away
from graduation.

Bryan Clark says his brother, Ryan, was a resident adviser on the
fourth floor of the dormitory where the rampage began yesterday.

Ryan Clark was 22 and from Martinez, Georgia. Known as "Stack" to his
friends, he majored in psychology, biology and English. A Web site
says he was personnel officer for the Marching Virginians band and
intended to pursue a PhD in psychology.

Another victim had ties to Georgia as well. Colleagues say German
professor Christopher Bishop was among those killed. Bishop earned
undergraduate and master's degrees in German at the
University of Georgia.

The deadly shootings at Virginia Tech are touching families around the
world. Among those killed were a Romanian-born professor with
emigrated from Israel and a professor from India.

Joe Librescu of Tel Aviv says his father, an engineering science and
mathematics professor, tried to stop the gunman from entering his
classroom by blocking the door before he was shot to death.

Another victim was a man from southern India who lectured in the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The victim's
brother says he was a guiding force in their family.

Condolences have poured in from Britain to China but there also has
been condemnation of US gun laws. The prime minister of Australia says
America's "gun culture" is a negative force, while
commentators in India say the laws must be made stricter.

And the White House confirmed this morning that the Bushes would
travel to Blacksburg, Virginia, to attend the afternoon convocation.

In his remarks yesterday, the president said schools should be "places
of safety, sanctuary and learning."

Until Monday, the deadliest campus shooting in US history took place
in 1966 at the University of Texas, where Charles Whitman killed 16
people from the observation deck of a clock tower.

At Columbine High in 1999, two teen-agers killed 12 fellow students
and a teacher, then took their own lives.

It's the second time in less than a year that the campus was closed
because of a shooting.

Last August, the opening day of classes was canceled and the campus
closed when an escaped jail inmate allegedly killed a hospital guard
off campus and fled to the Tech area.

Virginia Tech is nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwestern
Virginia, about 160 miles west of Richmond. The campus is centered
around the Drill Field, a grassy field where military cadets once
practiced. The dorm and the classroom building where the victims were
shot are on opposites sides of the Drill Field.

Copyright 2007 Raycom Media. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. AP
contributed to this report.


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