George Neuner wrote:
> On 17 Apr 2007 08:20:24 -0700, Ingo Menger
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 17 Apr., 12:33, Markus E Leypold
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>What makes Xah a troll is neither off-topic posts nor being
>>>incoherent -- its the attitude. He's broadcasting his drivel to a
>>>number of groups not with the intention to discuss (he hardly ever
>>>answers to answers to his posts), but solely with the intention to
>>>inform the world at large about his own magnificient thoughts.
>>This hits the nail on the head.
>>Perhaps one could understand this behaviour on cultural grounds. In
>>chinese culture it may be not uncommon to write something that merely
>>sounds like great wisdom and it is nevertheless appreciated because
>>it's a piece of calligraphic art.
>>>Trying to correct Xah's behaviour is probably impossible.
>>Perhaps somebody could ask the chinese government to put him in jail
>>for "hurting international society" :)
> That's going to be tough because, according to his web page, he's
> living in a Honda Civic somewhere in Illinois, USA.

Oh, not to fear, we have The Patriots Act, if Dubbya was an Emacs fan 
Xah would be tanning nicely already at Gitmo.



"Algebra is the metaphysics of arithmetic." - John Ray


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