Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2007-04-20, Max Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If we are being pedantic about describing a curve that shows the
>> progress of a person in learning a topic, there is no arguing
>> with you, a steep curve describes fast uptake and is a good
>> thing. 
>> If we are being pedantic about what a learning curve describes,
>> it seems possible that it describes the rate of knowledge uptake
>> required to master a given topic, and that such a learning curve
>> could exclude people that were unable to take in knowledge at
>> that rate(for whatever reason) from mastering that topic, making
>> it reasonable to describe such a topic as both 'hard' and
>> 'having a steep learning curve'.
> I must confess I don't follow you here. A rate is a single
> number. Now some second variable can be a function of this rate
> or vice versa but I can't make out what this second variable is
> supposed to be from your explanation.

I'm stopping after this because it is offtopic noise, but take a
graph of position vs time for an object; the slope of that graph
happens to be related to the velocity of the object, so you can
'see' the velocity of the object even though the graph is of
position and time. The slope of the graph can be said to describe a

(and a graph that showed the movement of the world around that
object would be quite different, and similar lines on those
different graphs would thus elecit rather different descriptions,
which is the point, pretending that all graphs of learning curves
only describe what you assume they describe and then being pedantic
about what information can be inferred from the graphs isn't going
to get you anywhere, hence this thread) 

My english is full of colloquialisms and idioms and I am not
interested in learning "Antoon Pardon's Dictionary of Exact Usage",
so I fear that further explanation will be fruitless. 



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