PEP 1 specifies that PEP authors need to collect feedback from the
community. As the author of PEP 3131, I'd like to encourage comments
to the PEP included below, either here (comp.lang.python), or to

In summary, this PEP proposes to allow non-ASCII letters as
identifiers in Python. If the PEP is accepted, the following
identifiers would also become valid as class, function, or
variable names: Löffelstiel, changé, ошибка, or 売り場
(hoping that the latter one means "counter").

I believe this PEP differs from other Py3k PEPs in that it really
requires feedback from people with different cultural background
to evaluate it fully - most other PEPs are culture-neutral.

So, please provide feedback, e.g. perhaps by answering these
- should non-ASCII identifiers be supported? why?
- would you use them if it was possible to do so? in what cases?


PEP: 3131
Title: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers
Version: $Revision: 55059 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2007-05-01 22:34:25 +0200 (Di, 01 Mai 2007) $
Author: Martin v. Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 1-May-2007
Python-Version: 3.0


This PEP suggests to support non-ASCII letters (such as accented
characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Kanji, etc.) in Python identifiers.


Python code is written by many people in the world who are not familiar
with the English language, or even well-acquainted with the Latin
writing system.  Such developers often desire to define classes and
functions with names in their native languages, rather than having to
come up with an (often incorrect) English translation of the concept
they want to name.

For some languages, common transliteration systems exist (in particular,
for the Latin-based writing systems).  For other languages, users have
larger difficulties to use Latin to write their native words.

Common Objections

Some objections are often raised against proposals similar to this one.

People claim that they will not be able to use a library if to do so
they have to use characters they cannot type on their keyboards.
However, it is the choice of the designer of the library to decide on
various constraints for using the library: people may not be able to use
the library because they cannot get physical access to the source code
(because it is not published), or because licensing prohibits usage, or
because the documentation is in a language they cannot understand.  A
developer wishing to make a library widely available needs to make a
number of explicit choices (such as publication, licensing, language
of documentation, and language of identifiers).  It should always be the
choice of the author to make these decisions - not the choice of the
language designers.

In particular, projects wishing to have wide usage probably might want
to establish a policy that all identifiers, comments, and documentation
is written in English (see the GNU coding style guide for an example of
such a policy). Restricting the language to ASCII-only identifiers does
not enforce comments and documentation to be English, or the identifiers
actually to be English words, so an additional policy is necessary,

Specification of Language Changes

The syntax of identifiers in Python will be based on the Unicode
standard annex UAX-31 [1]_, with elaboration and changes as defined

Within the ASCII range (U+0001..U+007F), the valid characters for
identifiers are the same as in Python 2.5.  This specification only
introduces additional characters from outside the ASCII range.  For
other characters, the classification uses the version of the Unicode
Character Database as included in the ``unicodedata`` module.

The identifier syntax is ``<ID_Start> <ID_Continue>*``.

``ID_Start`` is defined as all characters having one of the general
categories uppercase letters (Lu), lowercase letters (Ll), titlecase
letters (Lt), modifier letters (Lm), other letters (Lo), letter numbers
(Nl), plus the underscore (XXX what are "stability extensions" listed in
UAX 31).

``ID_Continue`` is defined as all characters in ``ID_Start``, plus
nonspacing marks (Mn), spacing combining marks (Mc), decimal number
(Nd), and connector punctuations (Pc).

All identifiers are converted into the normal form NFC while parsing;
comparison of identifiers is based on NFC.

Policy Specification

As an addition to the Python Coding style, the following policy is
prescribed: All identifiers in the Python standard library MUST use
ASCII-only identifiers, and SHOULD use English words wherever feasible.

As an option, this specification can be applied to Python 2.x.  In that
case, ASCII-only identifiers would continue to be represented as byte
string objects in namespace dictionaries; identifiers with non-ASCII
characters would be represented as Unicode strings.


The following changes will need to be made to the parser:

1. If a non-ASCII character is found in the UTF-8 representation of the
   source code, a forward scan is made to find the first ASCII
   non-identifier character (e.g. a space or punctuation character)

2. The entire UTF-8 string is passed to a function to normalize the
   string to NFC, and then verify that it follows the identifier syntax.
   No such callout is made for pure-ASCII identifiers, which continue to
   be parsed the way they are today.

3. If this specification is implemented for 2.x, reflective libraries
   (such as pydoc) must be verified to continue to work when Unicode
   strings appear in ``__dict__`` slots as keys.


.. [1]


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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