Gregor Horvath wrote:
> Istvan Albert schrieb:
>> After the first time that your programmer friends need fix a trivial
>> bug in a piece of code that does not display correctly in the terminal
>> I can assure you that their mellow acceptance will turn to something
>> entirely different.
> Is there any difference for you in debugging this code snippets?
> class Türstock(object):
>    höhe = 0
>    breite = 0
>    tiefe = 0
>    def _get_fläche(self):
>      return self.höhe * self.breite
>    fläche = property(_get_fläche)
> #-----------------------------------
> class Tuerstock(object):
>    hoehe = 0
>    breite = 0
>    tiefe = 0
>    def _get_flaeche(self):
>      return self.hoehe * self.breite
>    flaeche = property(_get_flaeche)
> I can tell you that for me and for my costumers this makes a big difference.
So you are selling to the clothing market? [I think you meant 
"customers". God knows I have no room to be snitty about other people's 
typos. Just thought it might raise a smile].

> Whether this PEP gets accepted or not I am going to use German 
> identifiers and you have to be frightened to death by that fact ;-)
That's fine - they will be at least as meaningful to you as my English 
ones would be to your countrymen who don't speah English.

I think we should remember that while programs are about communication 
there's no requirement for (most of) them to be universally comprehensible.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd 
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