On May 17, 2:30 pm, Gregor Horvath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Istvan Albert schrieb:
> > After the first time that your programmer friends need fix a trivial
> > bug in a piece of code that does not display correctly in the terminal
> > I can assure you that their mellow acceptance will turn to something
> > entirely different.
> Is there any difference for you in debugging this code snippets?
> class Türstock(object):
> class Tuerstock(object):

After finding a platform where those are different, I have to say
yes.  Absolutely.  In my normal setup they both display as "class
Tuerstock" (three letters 'T' 'u' 'e' starting the class name).  If,
say, an exception was raised, it'd be fruitless for me to grep or
search for "Tuerstock" in the first one, and I might wind up wasting a
fair amount of time if a user emailed that to me before realizing that
the stack trace was just wrong.  Even if I had extended character
support, there's no guarantee that all the users I'm supporting do.
If they do, there's no guarantee that some intervening email system
(or whatever) won't munge things.

With the second one, all my standard tools would work fine.  My user's
setups will work with it.  And there's a much higher chance that all
the intervening systems will work with it.


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