Wildemar Wildenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think what most people think of when they hear "plugin" is: An
> Application that can be extended.
> An RCP provides no more than the next step: No monolithic app, just
> plugins (which can have plugins themselves (which can have plugins
> themselves (which ...))). Write a text editor component and use it in
> your music-sequencer that also monitors your internet-activity, if you
> must.

That sounds like Python to me. Write an application as modules
(natural and easy in Python), ensure the module interface is clear,
and those modules can be used for their functionality elsewhere.

You gave an analogy to Emacs. Well, Emacs' plig-in nature comes from
two things: a core set of functionality primitives, exposed through a
Lisp API; and a Lisp machine. From that framework, anyone can write
Lisp plugin programs to make the Emacs framework behave in a
particular way.

You already have Python, and can embed it in your program. The only
missing piece seems to be the primitive operations at the core, which
surely depend on what exactly it is you have in mind for your program
and can't really be provided in a generic form by some other party.

This "framework" you're looking for, what would it actually *do*? If
you can't describe what features it would provide, I can't imagine
what it actually *does*.

 \      "This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't."  |
  `\                                             -- Douglas Hofstadter |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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