Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
>> Thanks a lot for all kind replies!
>> I think I need a systematic learning of design patterns. I have found 
>> some tutorials
>> about design pattern about python, but can somebody point me which is 
>> the best to start with ?
> When you say "Design Patterns", what do you mean? Do you mean it in the 
> computer-science-vocabulary-sense, as in [Singleton, Observer, Template, 
> ...]? If you're a novice or hobby programmer, let me tell you this: 
> Don't. Or at least: Don't, yet. Design patterns are meant to solve 
> problems that you run into relatively often, but don't let that trick 
> you: You have to get some intuition about them, or they'll make 
> virtually no sense to you. They're not guide as to how to write 
> programs. They help you overcome these "little obstacles" that you 
> commonly run into. But if you really must know: Wikipedia is a good 
> start (duh! ;)).
> If you mean the term in a looser sense, like how to approach 
> programming, when to use what idiom, etc ...: Don't read too much, just 
> write code, see if it works and if it doesn't, be creative. If it still 
> doesn't work, ask. Like you did. Don't bother with theory all too long; 
> you will understand programming concepts much more easily when you're 
> "in it". And for the light stuff, like the Idea behind OO (classes, 
> methods, etc.), Wikipedia is always good enough.
> :)
> W
Thanks. I think what I actually want to learn is design pattern in a
looser sense, not in the computer-science-vocabulary-sense.

I'm a graduate student in science, and python is my favourite programming
language in daily work. I can solve most of the problems with python, but
my programming efficienct is really low. Somethimes I have to stop to think
 about when to use what idiom, such as when to use functions and when to
use methods.

I want to learn how to write better programs more effectively and more
efficiently. I will try to have a look at the wikipedia.

Thanks again for your kind suggestion :)



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