On May 27, 1:25 am, Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens wrote:
> > Paul McGuire schrieb:
> >> I'm starting a new thread for this topic, so as not to hijack the one
> >> started by Steve Howell's excellent post titled "ten small Python
> >> programs".
> >> In that thread, there was a suggestion that these examples should
> >> conform to PEP-8's style recommendations, including use of
> >> lower_case_with_underscores style for function names.  I raised some
> >> questions about this suggestion, since I liked the names the way they
> >> were, but as a result, part of the discussion has drifted into a
> >> separate track about PEP-8, and naming styles.
> > I prefer mixedCaseStyle, and I think that should be "standard", as this
> > style is commonly
> > used in all "major" languages , for example Java,C++,C#.
> > It shortens the identifiers but leaves the meaning intact.
> The argument for under_score_names is usually that non-native speakers
> can more easily find the word boundaries. Not being a non-native speaker
> ;-) I can't verify that one, but it's pretty plausible given the current
> amount of money spent on research on automatic word-segmentation for
> languages like Chinese. =)
> STeVe- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Here is the thread from python-dev where this change (from "mixedCase
is no better or worse than lower_case_with_underscores" to "should use
l_c_w_u") was discussed, a year ago last December:


At first, Guido seemed ambivalent, and commented on the
contentiousness of the issue, but it seems that the "non-English
speakers can more easily find word breaks marked with underscores"
justification tipped the scale in favor of

The PEP itself on www.python.org seems to have been updated as
recently as May 17 of this year, but I don't seen any way to identify
what the change history is.

So, those who are the stewards of the core source code have nailed
down thier coding standard to be l_c_w_u, so if sometime in the future
I find myself working on any code in the Python std libs, l_c_w_u is
the style to be followed.  It just looks so old-fashioned...


-- Paul


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