Prefix, Infix, Postfix notations in Mathematica 2000-02-21, 2007-05
[In the following essay, I discuss prefix, infix, postfix notations and Mathematica's syntax for them. The full HTML formatted article is available at: ] THE HEAD OF EXPRESSIONS Lisp's nested parenthesis syntax is a Functional Notation. It has the general form of “(f a b ...)” where any of the symbols inside the matching parenthesis may again be that form. For example, here's a typical code from Emacs Lisp. ; Recursively apply (f x i), where i is the ith element in the list li. ; For example, (fold f x '(1 2)) computes (f (f x 1) 2) (defun fold (f x li) (let ((li2 li) (ele) (x2 x)) (while (setq ele (pop li2)) (setq x2 (funcall f x2 ele)) ) x2 ) ) Vast majority of computer languages, interpret source code in a one- dimensional, linear nature. Namely, from left to right, line by line, as in written text. (Examples of computer languages's source code that are not linear in nature, are spread sheets, cellular automata, graphical programing languages) For languages that interprets source code linearly, the logics of their syntax necessarily have a hierarchical structure (i.e. tree). The lisp's notation, is the most effective in visually showing the logics of the syntax. This is because, a function and its arguments, are simply laid out inside a parenthesis. The level of nesting corresponds to the “precedence” in evaluating the expression. The first element inside the matching parenthesis, is called the “head” of the expression. For example, in “(f a b)”, the “f” is the head. The head is a function, and the rest of the symbols inside the matching parenthesis are its arguments. The head of lisp's notation needs not to be defined as the first element inside the parenthesis. For example, we can define the “head” to be the last element inside the parenthesis. So, we write “(arg1 arg2 ... f)” instead of the usual “(f arg1 arg2 ...)” and its syntactical analysis remains unchanged. Like wise, you can move the head outside of the parenthesis. In Mathematica, the head is placed in front of the parenthesis, and square brackets are used instead of parenthesis for the enclosing delimiter. For example, lisp's “(f a b c)” is syntactically equivalent to Mathematica's “f[a,b,c]”. Other examples: “(sin θ)” vs “Sin[θ]”, “(map f list)” vs “Map[f,list]”. Placing the head in front of the matching bracket makes the notation more familiar, because it is a conventional math notation. However, there is a disadvantage in moving the head of a expression from inside the matching bracket to outside. Namely: The nesting of the matching delimiters, no longer corresponds to the logics of the syntax, when the head is itself a compound expression. For example, suppose Reflection(vectorV,pointP) is function that returns a function f, such that f(graphicsData) will reflect the graphicsData along a line passing pointP and parallel to vectorV. In lisp, we would write “((Reflection vectorV pointP) graphicsData)”. In Mathematica, we would write “Reflection[vectorV,pointP] [graphicsData]”. In lisp's version, the nesting corresponds to the logics of the evaluation. In the Mathematica's form, that is no longer so. For another example, suppose Deriv is a function that takes a function f and returns a function g (the derivative of f), and we want to apply g to a variable x. In lisp, we would write “((Deriv f) x)”. In Mathematica, we would write “Deriv[f][x]”. In lisp's version, the nesting corresponds to the logics of the evaluation. In the Mathematica's form, the logics of the evaluation no longer corresponds to the nesting level, because now the head is outside of the enclosing delimiters, so the head of expressions no longer nests. PREFIX, POSTFIX, INFIX A prefix notation in Mathematica is represented as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Essentially, a prefix notation in this context limits it to uses for functions on only one argument. For example: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] is equivalent to “f[a[b[c]]]” or in lispy “(f (a (b c)))”. Mathematica also offers a postfix notation using the operator “//”. For example, “c//b//a//f” is syntactically equivalent to “f[a[b[c]]]”. (unix's pipe “|” syntax, is a form of postfix notation. e.g. “c | b | a | f”). For example, “Sin[List[1,2,3]]” can be written in postfix as “List[1,2,3]//Sin”, or prefix [EMAIL PROTECTED],2,3]”. (by the way, they are semantically equivalent to “Map[Sin, List[1,2,3]]” in Mathematica) For infix notation, the function symbol is placed between its arguments. In Mathematica, the generic form for infix notation is by sandwiching the tilde symbol around the function name. e.g. “Join[List[1,2],List[3,4]]” is syntactically equivalent to “List[1,2] ~Join~ List[3,4]”. In Mathematica, there is quite a lot syntax variations beside the above mentioned systematic constructs. For example, Plus[a,b,c] can be written as “a+b+c”, “Plus[a+b,c]”, “Plus[Plus[a,b],c]”, or “(a +b)~Plus~c”. “List[a,b,c]” can be written as “{a,b,c}”, and “Map[f,List[a,b,c]]” can be written as “f /@ {a,b,c}”. The gist being that certain functions are given a special syntactical construct to emulate the irregular and inefficient but nevertheless well-understood conventional notations. Also, it reduces the use of deep nesting that is difficult to type and manage. For example, the “Plus” function is given a operator “+”, so that Plus[3,4] can be written with the more familiar “3+4”. The “List” function is given a syntax construct of “{}”, so that, List[3,4] can be more easily written as “{3,4}”. The boolean “And” function is given the operator “&&”, so that And[a,b] can be written with the more familiar and convenient “a && b”. Combining all these types of syntax variations, it can make the source code easier to read than a purely nested structure. For example, common math expressions such as “3+2*5>7” don't have to be written as “Greater[Plus[3,Times[2,5]],7]” or the lispy “(> (+ 3 (* 2 5)) 7)”. C and Perl When we say that C is a infix notation language, the term “infix notation” is used loosely for convenience of description. C and other language's syntaxes derived from it (e.g. C++, Java, Perl, Javascript...) are not based on a notation system, but takes the approach of a ad hoc syntax soup. Things like “i++”, “++i”, “for(;;) {}”, “while(){}”, 0x123, “sprint(...%s...,...)”, ... are syntax whimsies. As a side note, the Perl mongers are proud of their slogan of “There Are More Than One Way To Do It” in their gazillion ad hoc syntax sugars but unaware that in functional languages (such as Mathematica, Haskell, Lisp) that there are consistent and generalized constructs that can generate far more syntax variations than the ad hoc inflexible Perl both in theory AND in practice. (in lisp, its power of syntax variation comes in the guise of macros.) And, more importantly, Perlers clamor about Perl's “expressiveness” more or less on the syntax level but don't realize that semantic expressibility is far more important. Xah [EMAIL PROTECTED] ∑ --