On Jun 12, 6:57 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [...]
> for number in range(10,100):
>      is_prime = True
>      for divisor in range(2,number):
>          if number % divisor == 0:
>              is_prime = False
>              break
>      if is_prime:
>          print number,
> Next step: for loops have an optional "else" clause, that gets executed
> whenever the loop exits normally (in this case, when divisor goes up to
> number, and the break statement is never executed). So you don't need
> is_prime:
> for number in range(10,100):
>      for divisor in range(2,number):
>          if number % divisor == 0:
>              break
>      else:
>          print number,

Oh my. Would it not be an idea to rename this "else" into a "finally"?
As Gabriel points out, the else-block gets executed after the for loop
exits *normally*. In that case, is the "else" not semantically
misleading? I would surely misunderstand it if I saw it the first time.


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