On Jun 28, 1:09 pm, John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy Freeman wrote:
> > On Jun 27, 11:41 pm, John Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > While I agree that weak pointers are good and can not be an
> > afterthought, I've written code where "back" changed dynamically, and
> > I'm pretty sure that Nagle has as well.
>     That sort of thing tends to show up in GUI libraries, especially
> ones that have event ordering issues.  It's a tough area.

It shows up almost anywhere one needs to handle recurring operations.
It also shows up in many dynamic search structures.

> > Yes, one can implement a circular list as a vector with a current
> > index, but that has space and/or time consequences.  
>     We used to see things like that back in the early 1980s, but today,
> worrying about the space overhead associated with keeping separate
> track of ownership and position in a circular buffer chain isn't
> a big deal.

Insert and delete can be a big deal.  O(1) is nice.


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