On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 00:37:38 -0700, Rob Wolfe wrote:

> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> From a purely functional perspective, bools are unnecessary in Python. I
>> think of True and False as syntactic sugar. But they shouldn't be
>> syntactic sugar for 1 and 0 any more than they should be syntactic sugar
>> for {"x": "foo"} and {}.
> But `bools` are usefull in some contexts. Consider this:
>>>> 1 == 1
> True
>>>> cmp(1, 1)
> 0
>>>> 1 == 2
> False
>>>> cmp(1, 2)
> -1
> At first look you can see that `cmp` does not return boolean value
> what not for all newbies is so obvious.

Sorry I fail to see your point!?  What has ``==`` to do with `cmp()` here?
The return of `cmp()` is an integer that cannot and should not be seen as
boolean value.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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