Wayne Brehaut a écrit :
> On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 19:18:05 +0530, "Rustom Mody"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 7/14/07, Alex Martelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>OOP can be abused (particularly with deep or intricate inheritance
>>>structures).  But the base concept is simple and clear: you can bundle
>>>state and behavior into a stateful "black box" (of which you may make as
>>>many instances, with independent state but equal behavior, as you need).
>>Many years ago (86??) Wegner wrote a paper in OOPSLA called Dimensions
>>of Object Orientation in which he called the 'base concept' of 'bundle
>>of state and behavior' as 'object based' programming and
>>'object-oriented' as object-based + inheritance.
> Not quite--according to him:
> object-based + classes => class-based
> class-based + class inheritance => object-oriented
> I.e., "object-oriented = objects + classes + inheritance".

What about prototype-based languages then ?-)

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