Wayne Brehaut a écrit :
> On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 20:37:04 -0400, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>Aahz wrote:
>>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>>Chris Carlen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>From what I've read of OOP, I don't get it.  
>>>For that matter, even using OOP a bit with C++ and Perl, I didn't get it
>>>until I learned Python.
>>>>The problem for me is that I've programmed extensively in C and .asm on 
>>>>PC DOS way back in 1988.  
>>>Newbie.  ;-)
>>>(I started with BASIC in 1976.)
>>Newbie ;-)
>>(I started with Algol 60 in 1967).
> Newbie ;-)
> (I started with Royal McBee LGP 30 machine language (hex input) in
> 1958, and their ACT IV assembler later! Then FORTRAN IV in 1965. By
> 1967 I too was using (Burroughs) Algol-60, and 10 years later upgraded
> to (DEC-10) Simula-67.)

My my my... Would you believe that my coworkers do consider me like an 
old sage because I started programming in 1990 with HyperTalk on Mac 
Classic !-)

I suddenly feel 20 again ! Woo !-)

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