Thomas Guettler wrote:
Am Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:09:50 -0800 schrieb Raghul:
  Which of the UI I can used for my program that I can use both in
windows and in Linux.
Several.  Tkinter and wxPython are good choices -- they run on the three
major platforms: Linux/unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.

> I like pygtk. It should be portable to windows, but I have
> not tried this yet. Up to now I only used it under linux.
I believe this may be a reasonable choice as well.  Another choice is
PyQt, which has a great simple model and definition, but has, I believe,
licensing issues if you intend to deliver a product to many PCs.

Is it possible for me to use Wxpython for my program so that it can
>> run on both the windows and linux machine?
It is, indeed, possible (and often easy) to have the same program run
well on both platforms.

Will it be platform independent?
You can write portable programs (if you test across platforms).   The
only truly portable programs in any language are abstract.  Once you
start dealing with I/O and the real world, you inevitably have to face
issues one circumstance at a time.  Both Tkinter and wxPython spend a
lot of effort in reducing the work you have to do.  Don't fool
yourself with a manager-friendly slogan; programs must be tested to
work.  Any I/O heavy (or threaded, or ....) application running on two
platforms will take more work than on a single platform.  Python and
wxPython or Tkinter, for example, _allow_ you to write portable
programs, but they don't _guarantee_ it.

--Scott David Daniels

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