
Thanks for the tip.  I took a look at Beatiful Soup,
and it looked like it was a framework to parse HTML. 
I'm not really interetsed in going through it tag by
tag - just to get it converted to ASCII.  How can I do
this with B. Soup?


PS William - thanks for the reference to lynx, but I
need a Python solution - forking and execing for each
file I need to convert is too slow for my application 

Hans wrote:
Try Beautiful Soup!

> 1) Be able to handle badly formed, or illegal, HTML,
> as best as possible. 
 From the description:
"It won't choke if you give it ill-formed markup:
it'll just give you access to 
a correspondingly ill-formed data structure."

> Can anyone direct me to something which could help
> for this?

Hans Christian

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