In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Just  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Heh, how big are the odds you find the author of an arbitrary Perl 
>module on

Hey, that's why it's called lurking.

>Any will do. As I wrote in another post, I'm currently only looking for 
>a quintic equation solver, which your module does very nicely.
>> The
>> original source for the algorithm used in the module is
>> from Hiroshi Murakami's Fortran source, and it shouldn't
>> be too difficult to repeat the translation process to python.
>Ah ok, I'll try to locate that (following the instruction in 
>didn't work for me :( ).

Ouch.  I just did a quick search and found that that site has undergone
a few changes, and the code that i reference is missing.  A few other
links in the docs are stale too.  I need to update the documentation.

Anyway, doing a search for 'hqr' and Eispack got me a lot of sites.
In particular, this one is pretty friendly:


Look at the source for balanc.f (does the prep-work) and hqr.f
(does the solving).  Minor annoyance: the real and imaginary
parts of the roots are in separate arrays.  I combined them into
complex types in my perl source, in case you want to make a

Of course, all this may be moot if the other suggestions
work out.


February 28 1997: Last day libraries could order catalogue cards
from the Library of Congress.

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