On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 18:25:51 -0500, Douglas Alan wrote:
> While writing a generator, I was just thinking how Python needs a
> "yield_all" statement.  With the help of Google, I found a pre-existing
> discussion on this from a while back in the Lightweight Languages
> mailing list.  I'll repost it here in order to improve the chances of
> this enhancement actually happening someday.

You should also have looked for the responses to that. Tim Peter's
response is available from
as linked from
Here is the most relevant parts.

   I'm not bothered -- this comes with the territory.  If/when
   full-fledged coroutines make it in too, people worried about that can
   use them instead.  Curious fact:  I *was* worried about the worst-case
   time aspects of "simple generators" in Icon years ago, but in practice
   never ever got burned by it. And rewriting stuff to use Icon
   co-expressions instead invariably resulted in messier code that ran
   significantly slower in virtually all cases, except for the ones I
   *contrived* to prove the O() difference.

   BTW, Python almost never worries about worst-case behavior, and people
   using Python dicts instead of, e.g., balanced trees, get to carry their
   shame home with them hours earlier each day <wink> .

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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