Lorenzo Stella wrote:
> My question is: how can we call a language "functional" if it's major
> implementation has a limited stack? Or is my code wrong?
So, which environment do you habitually use that provides an *unlimited* 

You remind me of the conversation between the philosopher and an 
attractive lady whom he was seated next to at dinner. He asked her if 
she would sleep with him for a million dollars, to which she readily 
agreed. So he followed this by asking her if she'd sleep with him for a 
dollar. She replied: "No. Do you take me for a prostitutte?", to which 
his riposte was "We have already established that fact, and are now 
merely haggling about the price".

You just don't like the specific limit that Python imposes. So increase 
it with sys.setrecursionlimit().

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd           http://www.holdenweb.com
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Sorry, the dog ate my .sigline


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